:) Well, it's been a while since I last posted. Can I blame the lack of posts on November busyness? Please... let me blame it on something, anything!
Well, I have been busy - we have kept our babysitter's busy with evening's out for Jonathan & I. Marriage course on Friday nights, Cell every second Thursday, and lots of end of year dinner's (still more of those to come in December...). It's scary how busy we have been, especially since it's not in my nature to do this sort of thing.
I like the slow life - you know, the kind of life that you can "think" in. Where you can enjoy the little things - like toast on the conveyor machine (who knows what they're really called - but I love them!) I love watching it move around and watching the way the steam changes and distorts your view of what is behind the toaster. It's a nice feeling. :) And I know right now I sound nuts! Oh, well...
The other thing that happened was my tooth (very back molar) decided that after 2 years of being broken that it would bother me enough so I would have to get it extracted. Because I had waited so long, don't do that, and because I am terrified of the dentist - it HURT and was not an easy extraction - it took just under an hour to remove and I was in AGONY most of the time. It reminded of me of the time Briahna had to have the wax removed from her ear with a suction machine, and she was in such pain that I had to hold her down and whisper that it would be over soon to her. I was saying that to myself the entire time - "It will be over soon", "It will be over soon", "It will be over soon", "It will be over soon", "It will be over soon", etc. Unfortunately the pain is not over yet - I had the tooth removed on Wednesday and today is Friday and I still feel incapacitated with pain - I am living on Nurofen, isn't it great stuff?!? Still, I have a life that needs to be gotten on with... and who wants to lie around all day doing nothing?
So, enough with the tooth already!
Last weekend, I went on another mothers retreat weekend. It was a good time of relaxation (thanks, especially to my friend Jenny, who put on a Nutrimetics spa for us!). I really needed to go this time - I was feeling very wound up, but by Sunday I was feeling very "spacey", dreamy even - and apart from my tooth-ache (yes, it started on Sunday), it was a very nice space to be in. I felt my breathing slow down, and even my speech became less frenetic. I noticed others around me spoke very fast - it was almost as if someone had put me on slow-speed and everyone else on fast-forward. Weird.
The marriage course I am doing now, is excellent - both challenging and neat for us to actually see how close we are to each other. Jonathan would have to be my best ever friend, at times he is almost so much a part of me that he becomes me, moulded together into one.
Now, if any of that made any sense or didn't or whatever - forgive me - either way, I need to go lie down now. Pray for me if you believe in God - I need that right now, and I know he cares that I am in pain.