Thursday, May 04, 2006

Christ who gives me strength

It is Christ who gives me the strength to be more like Him. I have the strength and energy to get up to face the day, to deal with sick kids (I have 2/3 at the moment), to overcome irrational fears and depression, the list goes on... but, it is He who enables me to cope with every day life. He is better than any pill, not that I have anything against medication. I'd take St. Johns Wort and Jesus over a prescribed anti-depressant as my own personal preference. I have taken both at different times in my life, after having bad post natal depression after the birth of my wonderful girls, and I have found St. Johns Wort to be more effective with fewer side effects. The prescribed ones (and I tried a few) made me either feel manic or flat.

It may be a surprise that I suffer from depression to some of you out there in blog-land. Life is full of surprises. I was doing very well until recently (2-3 years - depression free). But, here I am again finding it a little harder to cope. Today's verse reminds me that I can do all things with Christ's help.

Thanks God!

1 comment:

Vania said...

that was one of my fav verses from early teenage years. I think often we don't realise the struggles in peoples lives around us because we tend to try and paint on our happy face when others are around. My first real experience is pretty recent - postnatal depression after Hannah. I'm definitly feeling much better now, but actually telling close friends I wasn't cool was a big first step for me... and there are still up days and down days, but God is with me everyday.. stay strong sista :)