Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I've been thinking

accessing, processing, reasoning... my life lately.

Wondering about my life, am I making a difference, does it even matter if I do?

Hmmmm... deep thoughts, perhaps meaningless thoughts?

Is it enough, to just get by in life, to just live it!?

Should we be wondering if we are contributing to poverty both socially, physically and spiritually in our world.

Are we being the best people we can be? Am I being the best person I can be?

It's easy for me to answer the last question, but am I just beating myself up when I do? It's easier to be negative about myself than to look and search out the positives.

I want to be a great mum, but fail miserably time and again. My life is, at times, consumed by an underlying rage - I can't put my finger on the reasons behind this, I just wish it weren't so. My first response to stress is to yell, and there are times when I yell way more than I speak in a quiet controlled manner.

I need some peace, some time to unwind and relax - to quiet the mind.

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