Friday, June 02, 2006

My excuse for being blog-quiet

I have been sick all week. :( My excuse for being blog-quiet!

I have been really tired, had a sore throat and ears (the works really). I am still tired, but hopefully I am over the worst of it.

The funny thing about it all is that I now know that my husband can't cook, and the household is unable to cope without me - mother's the indispensable workers. Indispensable, under-paid, under-valued but certainly not under-loved - it's nice to know that my kid's and hubby love me a lot. They just don't want me to get sick all that often... ;)

It's funny - but I was just looking at my last post where I wrote this "I need some peace, some time to unwind and relax - to quiet the mind." Well, I have certainly had a lot more quiet time to myself the past week. God has a sense of humour, if it was Him that allowed this virus to attack me... hehehehe! I am not sure where I stand on the theology behind that thought (God allowing/making me sick that is). Still I was give time to unwind and relax! :D

Anyway, I am going to take the long weekend to recover from this virus... you may see me blog, or you may not - who know's. There are no guarantee's in life.

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