Tuesday, May 16, 2006

getting to do the stuff

Shortly after John Wimber became a christian, he became a voracious Bible Reader. The scriptures excited him. Finally, after weeks of reading about life-transforming miracles in the Bible and attending boring church services, John asked one of the lay leaders, "When do we get to do the stuff?"
"What stuff?" asked the leader.
"You know, the stuff here in the Bible," said John. "You know, like stuff Jesus did - raising people from the dead, healing the blind and the paralyzed. You know, that stuff."
"Well, we don't do that anymore," the man said. "You don't? Well what do you do?" asked John.
"What we did this morning," replied the man.
In frustration, John responded: "For that I gave up drugs?"

1 comment:

Geekery said...

You mean to say we're supposed to give up drugs when we become Christians?