Friday, April 28, 2006


adj. gen·tler, gen·tlest
  1. Considerate or kindly in disposition; amiable and tender.
  2. Not harsh or severe; mild and soft: a gentle scolding; a gentle tapping at the window.
  3. Easily managed or handled; docile: a gentle horse.
  4. Not steep or sudden; gradual: a gentle incline.
    1. Of good family; wellborn: a child of gentle birth.
    2. Suited to one of good breeding; refined and polite: a gentle greeting to a stranger.
  5. Archaic. Noble; chivalrous: a gentle knight.
This is something I really struggle with, how to be gentle when I am frustrated at something or someone. It is fruit that I would like to be evident in my life, though I fear rarely is. :( I want gentleness to invade every aspect of my life, not just the public facade that I put up.

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