Wednesday, March 29, 2006

spiritual milk

When we first come to the Lord we are re-born spiritually and like newborn babies need to drink milk (that is the word of God). Something I learned when I was breastfeeding my girls, was that they needed long feeds every four hours or so, if you let them snack all they would get was the fore-milk and none of the hind-milk which is where all the nutrients lie. I think this can relate to this scripture, in that, when we crave something we want it all the time, the craving consumes us. We just HAVE to have it. So it should be with God's word - as if we need it for our very existance. [And we may very well need it for that!] It's the only way we can work out our salvation - understand and work through our thoughts on it.

As you move on with your relationship with God, and your first love for him wanes - we need to remember that fore-milk doesn't satisfy - it's the hind-milk that does. In other words, we need to still spend time in His word. 10 minutes here and there means we are only getting colostrum and not the satisfying hind-milk (we are only snacking).

I am totally speaking to myself here. I would love to get back to the "honey-moon" feelings I had for God and have just had a "light-bulb" moment! In the "honey-moon" phase of any relationship you want to spend every day-light (& night-time) moment with the person of your affection. You crave moments with them. I believe that to get back to that "first-love" with God you only have to spend time in His word, meditating on it and in prayer, thinking about Him. It's that simple a concept.


Geekery said...

I don't think were supposed to get 'stuck' in the Honeymoon period - I love my wife in so many more ways now, then I did way back then. But I also remember key times in our Honeymoon and pre-Honeymoon periods, that never fail to bring a smile to my face.

I think maybe the difference is that now, the desire is to spend quality time together, whereas before it was to spend as much time together.

One thing I do know is that I married a wise woman who also happens to be drop dead georgious...

sewfunky said...

{blushes} thanks Jonathan for your comment. I agree with both you and Frank about the idea of not staying in the "honey-moon" period. Jon & I just celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary - and at the time I commented that although our life together hadn't always been easy - the majority of it was FANTASTIC! Relationships can't really stay in the "honey-moon" stage or they stagnate and go all rotten and gross! We soon see that people have warts and aren't the "perfect" being we once thought they were, and yet we still love them!

I think that this verse was written for new believers - to teach them that being grounded in the word is of utmost importance. Pure milk is undiluted - in other word's we are being asked to read the word, not just listen to other's talk about the word {maybe} :)