Wednesday, July 05, 2006

letter from a friend

I recieved some really cool encouragement via a letter from a friend, Mel, today. She is the leader of our Mainly Music team, and does a fantastic job at it.

I thought I would write some excerpts from the letter here, so that I can always remember. :) It's nice to be encouraged.

"Thank you so much for all your hard work you put into music. Sometimes you may feel it goes unnoticed but I assure you it doesn't. I have such confidence in your abilities in the kitchen that I never worry that it won't get done or done properly...God sees your heart and knows the love you have to offer is endless. You are such a great mother who is instilling awesome Godly morals into your childrens lives. God will honour you for the time and effort you put into them. I know sometimes we as mum feel we have nothing to give outside of our obligations to family but he has so much in store for you, which is exciting! He is an awesome God who will carry you and fill you up whenever you may need it. God will never let you be shaken or moved from your place near his heart."

:) It was moving to recieve this note. I sometimes wonder if I am noticed, even though I don't always like it when I am, it's nice to be appreciated.

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