Wednesday, July 05, 2006

update on rabbit situation...

Well, some changes here. Cookie, the little lop-eared rabbit, proved to be a p.i.t.a. and so Jonathan dropped him off at the local S.P.C.A. Bless their souls...

We decided to keep "Grey Rabbit" because he has such a sweet personality. He is just too gorgeous! Love him to bits!!

The naming poll proved to be a little out of control, and since I didn't really like most of the names there - sorry those of you who supplied them, but none of them really fit the rabbit - we will be calling him Grey Rabbit. It's simple enough and Hope agreed it was a cool name, since she has a book about a rabbit with the same name "Little Grey Rabbit". :) I do hope that he will forgive us for naming him after a girl rabbit...


Geekery said...

Some of us will still be calling it by it's real name: Velvet Elvis

sewfunky said...

Call him what you will - to me he is simply Grey Rabbit

melissa said...

I think grey rabbit is a good name, and besides, he's probably already used to being called that by now. Better not to confuse him ;)