Monday, July 17, 2006

Word of the Day for Sunday July 16, 2006

yes, I love words... and this one was rather appropriate today (monday) as two of my good friends had a very weird little disagreement. I don't know where it came from, and I wish it had never happened, but it did - it was confusing and I don't wish to go into details here...

This word encompasses it all, and was yesterday's word of the day:-
imbroglio \im-BROHL-yoh\, noun:

1. A complicated and embarrassing state of things.
2. A confused or complicated disagreement or misunderstanding.
3. An intricate, complicated plot, as of a drama or work of fiction.
4. A confused mass; a tangle.


Geekery said...

4. A confused mass; a tangle.

Sounds like my brain...

Anonymous said...

sar·casm (särkzm)

1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.